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Clean, healthy indoor air for hotels & hospitality

Protect guests and staff with advanced air purification & sterilisation so they breathe clean, healthy air throughout their stay.

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Post COVID-19 landscape

It is now clear that the entire landscape of hospitality will change following COVID-19. It has forced the hospitality market sector to revisit its entire hygiene and infection control method and policy and no doubt there will be significant policy changes in the wake of this crisis. It is common practice to wipe down all surfaces but nothing is done about the route of transmission to these surfaces, the air. It is established in medical literature that organic matter can be located as far as 3-4 m away from the origin and can be detected over 24 hours post treatment. With air flow being a key component to our technologies efficiency, VIRUSKILLER™️ creates an undetectable air flow which draws contaminated air away from the breathing zone towards the unit to then flow clean air back into the breathing zones.

Watch our webinar

Clean Air Technology: Hospitality (50mins)

Meher Nawab of LHG, Richard Greenwood (Founder of VIRUSKILLER™️) Gail Balfe (Infection & Control lead, BMI Lincoln) and Paul Brown, Beacon Purchasing)

VIRUSKILLER™ is the solution to the airborne transmission problem


The best, safest, air cleaning technology for hotel rooms

Airborne pathogens can hang in the air for hours settling on surfaces. VIRUSKILLER™ decontaminates the air in rooms, ensuring fresh, clean air for new guests.


Protecting staff and guests 24/7 from the widest range of nasties

Staff come into contact with a variety of guests from all over the world, helping them throughout their stay. VIRUSKILLER™ provides real-time protection for both guest and staff.


Ensuring guests and staff breathe only clean, safe air

VIRUSKILLER™ eliminates the widest range of pathogens including COVID-19. It’s effective against airborne transmission and ensures only the healthiest air is available for breathing.

 Intelligent Infection Prevention

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All in one

Unrivalled performance against organic pathogens -- viruses, bacteria, mould and fungi -- as well as allergens, irritants, smoke and VOCs.


Simple operation means out of the box indoor air safety, with no complex installation, setup or renovation required.

Certified safety

Ultra-high performance UV-C germicidal decontamination housed within a patented Reactor Chamber for safe, real-time operation.


So much more than an air purifier

VIRUSKILLER™ has a huge range of applications as it removes the widest range of airborne pollutants including bacteria, viruses and VOCs from all indoor environments


Stage 1: Dirty air

Air first passes through a series of filters, including a pre-filter, an activated carbon filter, and a high-end HEPA filter, trapping both large and ultra fine particles for future disposal.

Stage 2: Toxic air

Toxic gases from outdoor air pollutants, as well as indoor odours and fumes from carpets, flooring, and cleaning chemicals are neutralised within minutes.

Stage 3: Sick air

The patented Reactor Chamber is the heart of VIRUSKILLER™, ensuring that any remaining viruses, bacteria, and gases are deactivated on a single air pass.


Learn more about the science here

 VIRUSKILLER™️ product range

Market leading, essential clean air technology.


Effective against COVID-19. Download 2020 test reports

Neutralises pathogens with 99.9999% success rate


Controlled airflow

Directed 'laminar' airflow removes harmful air from breathing zones and replaces it with surgically clean air.

Air Sterilisation

Air passes through the Reactor Chamber neutralising all pathogens and harmful airborne microorganisms.

Single air pass

Lab-tested technology that kills 99.9999% of viruses and bacteria through a single pass of air filtration.


No other product matches VIRUSKILLER™ single air pass standards

Recent Installations

Breathe clean, healthy indoor air, everywhere

It’s easy. Speak to a clean air expert today